Student Aid

Consumer Information

The University of Montevallo (UM) provides the following information and policies about the University to prospective and current students, their families, prospective and current employees and the general public. A brief description and links to web pages where this information may be found are listed below. A paper copy will be provided upon request. For assistance in obtaining information or obtaining a paper copy, please contact Institutional Planning Research and Assessment (IRPA) by phone at 205-665-6392, by email at, or contact Ms. Kimberly Miller, Student Aid Director, by phone at 205-665-6050, or by email at

Student Financial Aid Information and Student Rights and Responsibilities


Fall 2024 Semester August 27, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester January 10, 2025
Summer 2025 Semester July 8, 2025


Fall 2023 Semester August 25, 2023
Spring 2024 Semester January 12, 2024
Summer 2024 Semester July 9, 2024

Enrollment for student loans will be checked at the time of disbursement.

Enrollment in a program of study abroad approved for credit by the University may be considered enrollment in the home school for purposes of applying for Federal Student Aid. Check with the UM Student Aid Office for specific student aid options.

Student loan terms, repayment schedules, and repayment necessity

Conditions and terms of Federal Work Study student employees

Student Loan Exit Counseling information the school provides and collects

Institutional Information

Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities

Cost of Attendance

Refund Policy

Return of Title IV Financial Aid

Educational Programs, Instructional Facilities, and Faculty

Transfer of Credits Policies and Articulation Agreements

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions

Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws – Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.

Required Disclosures

Currently there are not any required disclosures to prospective and enrolled students at the University of Montevallo where a program is designed to be offered by another entity. The University of Montevallo does offer public and direct disclosures related to school and program accreditation, approval, and professional licensures and certificates, including those for programs offered through distance education. Additional information is included below.

School and Program Accreditation, Approval, or Licensure and Certification

See Institutional Accreditation page for specific program accreditation.


Student Complaint Process – Students wishing to submit a complaint about the University of Montevallo should contact:

Dr. Tammi Dahle
Vice President of Enrollment & Student Affairs/Dean of Students
University of Montevallo
Station 6020
Montevallo, AL 35115

In the event that a student complaint cannot be resolved internally, contact information is provided below for The Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE), which is the coordinating board for higher education for the State of Alabama. The Commission exercises no governing and limited regulatory authority over the University. Ala. Code16-54-1 et seq. (1975). The Commission may be contacted at:

Alabama Commission on Higher Education
P. O. Box 302000
Montgomery, AL, 36130-2000
Telephone: 334-242-1998   Fax: 334-242-0268


Distance Education Public Disclosures

Through the University of Montevallo’s (UM) state authorization and Alabama’s participation in the National Council on State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), all distance education and correspondence courses at UM are authorized by the state of Alabama and all other U.S. states, as all U.S. states now participate in either a state authorization, the NC-SARA and/or provide a student complaint process.

At this time, there should be no adverse consequences of relocating to any state where UM’s main campus is not located while enrolled at UM since all states now meet state authorization requirements under 34 CFR 600.9.

Students have access to a complaint process. This student complaint process is available so that the concerns and complaints of students are addressed fairly and resolved promptly. Students must fully exhaust their rights under UM’s official complaint process. Contact information for the resolution of student complaints, including those related to distance education and correspondence coursework, for UM is as follows:

University of Montevallo
University of Montevallo Board of Trustees
Ala. Code 16-5-1 et seq. (1975)
Dr. Tammi Dahle
Dean of Students
University of Montevallo
Station 6020 Montevallo, AL 35115

To file a student complaint online, go to the Student Complaint Form.

Out-of-state students enrolled in distance education and/or correspondence courses through UM also have access to UM’s complaint process. If after fully exhausting UM’s complaint process, the out-of-state student does not receive resolution, he/she can pursue the state of residence’s complaint process. Contact information for each State’s complaint process is located on the affiliated State’s Higher Education website and/or the NC-SARA website. For those states participating in the NC-SARA, information about the formal student complaint process can be found at For a listing of the NC-SARA state participants, please visit the following link:

At this time, UM has not received any adverse actions from any state entity or accrediting agency related to distance education programs or correspondence courses.

At this time, there are not any refund policies for the return of unearned tuition and fees with which UM is required to comply by any other state for out-of-state students participating in distance education programs or correspondence courses.

UM’s institutional refund policies are provided above as listed under “Refund Policy” and “Return of Title IV Financial Aid”. These are the policies that UM will follow when processing refunds and/or returns of Title IV financial aid.

At this time, UM is continuously working to determine if all of its current distance education programs that may lead to licensure or certifications meet the prerequisites for professional licensure or certification application, both in Alabama and all other U.S. states. It has been confirmed that the MBA program does not lead to professional licensure or certifications and, therefore, should not have any adverse outcome regardless of state of residency. With regard to all other distance education programs that may lead to professional licensure or certification application, UM has developed a series of tables to provide this information that will continuously be updated once information becomes available or changes. If you are interested in learning about professional licensure or certification requirements specific to your program and your specified state of residency, please review the tables found here: If you are in need of additional information UM encourages you to contact Mary Howard at 1-205-665-6352 or visit to review NC-SARA’s professional licensure directory. Prospective and enrolled students may also receive direct disclosures via email as necessary. It is UM’s goal to provide transparent information, especially regarding professional licensure and certification.

Professional Licensure and Certification Public Disclosures

In addition to the information listed above regarding distance education, UM is continuously working to determine if all of its current programs, regardless of instructional modality, that may lead to licensure or certification meet the prerequisites for professional licensure or certification application in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. UM has developed a series of tables to provide this information that will continuously be updated once information becomes available or changes. The tables can be viewed here: If you are interested in learning about professional licensure or certification requirements specific to your program and your specified state of residency, please review the tables. If you are in need of additional information UM encourages you to contact Mary Howard at 1-205-665-6352 or visit to review NC-SARA’s professional licensure directory. Prospective and enrolled students may also receive direct disclosures via email as necessary. It is UM’s goal to provide transparent information, especially regarding professional licensure and certification.

Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

On December 27, 2020, the FAFSA Simplification Act (Act) was enacted into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, making many important changes to the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).

Sec. 484 of the HEA was amended to remove suspension of eligibility for Title IV aid for drug-related convictions that occurred while receiving Title IV aid.

To make Title IV aid accessible to as many students as soon as possible, the Department of Education (Department) will implement these changes in three phases across three award years: The 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 award years.  While the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 FAFSAs will continue to have the drug-related convictions questions, with a requirement for the student to provide correct answers, these questions will not impact the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The 2023-2024 FAFSA will no longer include drug-related convictions questions.

DCL ID GEN-21-04, followed by a Notice by the Education Department on 06/17/2021

Effective date: June 17, 2021
Implementation date: August 16, 2021

For more information see the Students With Criminal Convictions – Federal Student Aid Website.

Vaccination Policy

Visit Student Health Services for more information.

Consumer Information on College Navigator Website

College Navigator provides University information published by the U. S. Department of Education as well as the University website link. The following information can be found on the University website:

Student Body Diversity

Net Price Calculator

Textbook Information (Internet Course Schedule)

Textbook costs and information can be found at

Disbursement of Federal Student Aid funds to students for books and supplies

If a student’s aid is greater than their charges, there will be an estimated credit balance.  Students with an estimated credit balance will be eligible to purchase books and supplies at Freddie’s Books and More shortly before classes start each semester. The amount allowed will be capped at the amount of the estimated credit balance, not to exceed $1,000.

Students opting to receive a credit balance to purchase books and supplies from another source should contact:

Office of Student Accounts
Station 6065
Montevallo, AL 35115
Phone: (205) 665-6065
Fax: (205) 665-6078

Teacher Preparation Programs for Initial Certification or Licensure

Contact the College of Education and Human Development

  at 205-665-6352.

Voter Registration

You may register to vote in the courthouse of your home county or obtain a voter registration form and information at the Student Life Office in Farmer Hall (Top Floor), the Disability Support Services Office in Main Hall (Rear, Lower Level) or on the Alabama Secretary of State website.

Constitution Day

The University of Montevallo holds an annual Constitution Day commemoration for students and anyone else on, or near mid September.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the school’s property or as a part of any of the school’s activities is strictly prohibited and the University will impose sanctions for violations. For more information regarding school, Federal, State, and local sanctions, descriptions of health risks, and available counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs view the Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Awareness and Prevention document. In addition, for a copy of the University’s biennial review of its program contact:

Dr. Tammi S. Dahle
University of Montevallo
Vice President of Enrollment & Student Affairs/Dean of Students
Station 6020
Montevallo, AL 35115

Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid

Please visit the University of Montevallo Compliance Homepage for more information.

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)

See the Equity in Athletics Data website published by the U. S. Department of Education.

Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates

This information is available on the College Navigator website.

Placement in Employment

The University does not calculate placement rates for graduates. However, the University operates a Career Development Center.

Types of Graduate and Professional Education in Which the University’s Graduates Enroll

The University’s undergraduate programs help qualify graduates for admission to many graduate and professional programs. For more information see the specific undergraduate program you are interested in from our Undergraduate Programs page.

Additional information is available by contacting the specific department chairs. Contact information is available at the above link.

Retention Rates of degree seeking first-time, undergraduate students

This information is available on the College Navigator website.

Campus Security Report and the Fire Safety Report

For a combined copy of the report, visit 2024 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF) . For a paper copy contact:

Police Department
Station 6155
Montevallo, AL 35115

View the campus crime and fire statistics at US Department of Education – Campus Safety and Security page.

FERPA or Family Educational Rights and Privacy

Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members

The University does participate in the this program. More information is available at:

Veteran and Military Affairs

State Grant Assistance Availability

Students should apply for any state student aid. Alabama residents may be eligible for the Alabama Student Assistance Grant Program. See University of Montevallo Grants Page for more information. Residents of other states can find information for state grants at US Department of Education – State Contacts and Information.

Federal Student Loan Information

The University may offer Federal student loans as part of the financial aid offer. A loan is money borrowed and must be paid back with interest.  For more information on student loans contact the Student Aid Office or check out the websites below:

Sharing of Student and/or Parent Loan Information with the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

Personal and student loan information of students, and/or parent borrowers will be submitted to the NSLDS by the University and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the system. Students or parents may check their personal student loan information online.

Entrance Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

First time borrowers of a Federal Direct Student Loan must complete Entrance Counseling to receive comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s responsibilities. This must be completed on the web at:

Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers

The University provides student borrowers who graduate, leave, or drop below half-time enrollment instructions to receive invaluable student loan repayment information. Student borrowers must complete this counseling on the web at:

Private Education Loan Disclosures

Private Loans are not Federal Student or Parent Plus Loans. Borrowers are encouraged to complete the FAFSA and apply for Federal Student Aid. Borrowers may qualify for Federal Student Loans (and possibly grants or work-study programs) that may be more favorable than the provisions of private education loans.

The University participates in no private education lender preferred arrangements and recommends no private lenders.

Loans – University of Montevallo

Private Education Loan Self Certification Form

Students may request this form by contacting the Student Aid Office by calling 205-665-6050 or emailing

Private Education Loans and Preferred Lender Arrangements

The University has no preferred lender list and recommends no particular private lender.

Code of Conduct

See Student Aid Administrators’ Code of Conduct for more information.